How I spent New Years Day
Happy New Year!
As I write this, I am watching the birds and critters eat outside our sun room window. This is one of the many blessings I’m grateful for this year.
I started the new year off by spending more time in my morning mastery system. There is no better way to begin a day or a new year than focusing on attitude optimization, gratitude focus, fitness conditioning, moving meditation and nutritional enhancement. With a cup of green tea of course. Here is what I did this morning to start the new year right!
Attitude Optimization Protocol. I started my attitude conditioning this morning by focusing on inspiration. I work on scripture memory every morning. Next, I spent time focusing my mind by asking questions such as: What am I joyful about? And how can I be a person of blessing? I also did some inspirational reading. I read some in Brendon Burchard’s book, The Motivation Manifesto. This book is on my top books list. (I will be publishing this annotated list soon.) You can get a free copy of the book and a free training course ($7 shipping) by going to It is well worth it! You will of course not agree with everything he says, but it is inspirational, thought provoking and uniquely written.
Gratitude focus. What and who am I grateful for? I have a long list of people and events I’m thankful for. One example: I’m grateful to sensei David Gomez for introducing me to the world of martial arts. Shotokan Karate. I’m grateful for his teaching, coaching and for the fine person he is. This is but one example of the many things I’m grateful for on my list. Gratitude focuses my mind on what is good. I need that positive focus this year.
Fitness Conditioning. This is a crucial part of my morning. I started 2019 with strength conditioning. 100 pushups, squats, crunches and 30 pull-ups. This actually does not take much time and yet it is a great way to add functional strength to my week. One of my goals in 2019 is to be “regular” with my aerobics. I was off and on during 2018. Aerobics is a critical component of physical health. I also reviewed Heian Godan the fifth and perhaps my favorite of the Heian katas.
Moving Meditation. This can also be called “relaxation.” I primarily use Qigong. This combines deep, slow breathing with stretching. Great for clearing the mind and engaging the parasympathetic nervous system to initiate the “relaxation response”. I definitely need a more relaxed attitude in 2019.
Nutritional Enhancement. I had my standard breakfast which consists of a Shaklee protein meal replacement shake, The Life plan vitamin strip, bowl of organic raisin bran and a cup of green tea. I combine Tazo Organic Pan-fired Green tea and Shaklee “Energizing Tea”. The Shaklee tea is my favorite, it is a unique blend of green, white and red teas and comes in a convenient sleeve to carry with you. The life plan shake has a great balance of nutrients and protein to keep me going all morning. This comes as a package called “Life Plan”. This also helps me maintain a good weight. In fact, the morning mastery system encourages a good body weight because of the exercise component. I’ve been eating this breakfast since the early 1980s or longer (Around 34 years)
This is a great way to begin any morning but, especially January 1st. I hope your new year is full of “Health, Hope, Fitness and freedom” and you can make an energized, important impact on your world!
David Jones
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