He who sweats more in training….
……bleeds less in battle”. As the old saying goes. I’m battling weeds not warriors in the gardens around my home, but I am sweating.

As I have worked outside in the gardens around our home this summer I am reminded of the importance of good hydration. I am fairly well acclimatized to working in the heat. 88 degrees doesn’t seem to bother me much. I am careful to take breaks and hydrate often. One hot day I remember downing 14 glasses of water.
The hydration drink I use has a unique mix of carbohydrates to create both immediate energy as well as longer term energy. Including the proper electrolytes of course.
This particular drink was created by a particular company in cooperation with scientists at MIT.
Their challenge was to maintain enough energy to fly a human powered plane (cycling powered) across the Aegean Sea from Crete to Santorini. About 72 miles. Equivalent to 3 marathons back to back. The usual drinks did not create lasting energy, but this formula did. The flight occurred in 1988. (the deadalus flight)

Not only does this keep me hydrated in my hot summer yard, but, when I climbed Mt. Katahdin it kept me going on the 6 hour ascent to the top and across the “knife edge”. No “hitting the wall”, good energy the entire time. I mixed it and carried a gallon bladder in my back pack.
How much water should I drink? It depends on what you are doing and if you are outside sweating. Many authorities recommend .5 – .75 ounces per pound of bodyweight. So for a 160 pound person that might be 10-15 8 ounce glasses. Sources typically include food and other beverages as well as water alone. Some experts estimate 20% of our fluids are in the foods we eat with the other 80% in what we drink.
The hydration drink I use is 100% guaranteed to be safe and free from banned substances
No artificial flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives. Gluten free, non-GMO, star-K kosher.
I encourage you to choose a good drink and a reputable company.
If you want to know what I drink I use, message me or contact me from my website at therealdavidjones.com
David Jones, wishing you health, hope, fitness and freedom!
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